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I recently received an email from a reader telling me she needed support to raise her prices. She said she knew she needed to increase the amount of money she makes and was nervous to make the change. I totally get it. I have always found raising my rates nerve-racking. Yet, for all of us, there will come a time when it needs to be done. We know we need to raise our prices when our inner wisdom shows us that the effort we are putting into our work is not aligned with the value we receive from doing it. It comes when we arrive home, tired after a long day of caring for other people, and realize that we do not have enough resources left to take care of ourselves. What would you need to charge to feel really good about the amount of money you take home? What do you need to cover business expenses, taxes, health care, retirement, vacation, and sick days? Base your new rate on this reality. INVITING ABUNDANCE I remember the first time I made a significant price increase. I went from charging $75 to $100 for a one-hour massage. I had a business coach at the time. She wanted me to start charging $150 for an hour. I decided not to go that far. Not because it cannot be done, but because I did not want to or did not feel right about it at the time. I did not make the increase in stages. I simply announced one day in one of my regular client emails that in one month my prices would be going up. I did not sleep much the night I sent that email out. I was so worried about what my clients would think of me. I did not want any of them to think of me as greedy or that I looked at them only as dollar signs. I care a lot for my clients and feel fortunate to work with them. 32 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r 2 0 1 7 MINDFUL MONEY best practices Confidently Raise Your Rates By Jennie Hastings

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