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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 21 NEWS NOTES compiled by Brandon Twyford ABMP Associate Editor | AFMTE Announces 2017 Educators of the Year Recipients The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE) announced the winners of the 2017 AFMTE, Biofreeze, and Bon Vital' Educators of the Year Award: LaWanda S. Allen, LMT, MMP, is the award recipient in the teacher category; Ralph R. Stephens is the award recipient in the continuing education category. The award honors excellence in massage and bodywork education and serves to foster a culture that supports raising the standards of excellence in massage and bodywork education. Allen is the owner and operator of Allen's Medical Massage. She has been practicing as a licensed massage therapist for 15 years and has been an educator for more than 18 years. She teaches at the Concorde Career College-Southaven Campus. Stephens has been a continuing education provider for 30 years. He is a past chair of the Iowa Board of Massage, inductee into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame, and a Founding Member of the AFMTE. A prolifi c content creator, Stephens teaches continuing education programs, mentors new continuing education providers, and maintains a private practice. For more information, visit Acupressure Improves Chronic Back Pain and Fatigue In a single-blind clinical trial on 50 nurses with chronic back pain, subjects were randomly allocated to two groups: an experimental (acupressure) group and a sham group. For each individual in the experimental group, acupressure techniques were performed during nine sessions, three times a week, for 14 minutes. In the sham group, only points within 1 centimeter of the main acupressure points were touched. Data was collected using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) before the session and immediately after, two weeks after, and four weeks after the intervention. Subjects in the acupressure group reported a signifi cantly lower mean score of fatigue severity compared to the sham group immediately after, two weeks after, and one month after the intervention. Read the study summary at www. news-article/2017/06/13/acupressure- fatigue-nurse/7202530/. Massage & Bodywork Magazine Honored by AM&P Massage & Bodywork magazine was awarded two Excel Awards for editorial excellence by Association Media & Publishing (A M&P) in Alexandria, Virginia. • General Excellence, 50,001 to 100,000, Silver Award • Single Topic Issue, 50,001 to 100,000, Silver Award, September/ October 2016, Insight into Fascia In total, there were 830 entries to the Excel Awards, but just 235 of those were selected by judges as worthy. Of those, there were 64 Gold, 82 Silver, and 89 Bronze awards. A M&P is the only organization dedicated to the needs of print and digital publishers in nonprofi t and association organizations. A M&P also serves association business operations executives, communication professionals, designers, editors, and content creators, and the media they create. They inspire excellence in association communications through insight, information, and community. Excel Awards, but just 235 of those were selected by judges as worthy. Of

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