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30 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 1 7 This was perplexing. Pain to the front of the thigh and the medial knee is not typical for an L5 distribution. What would explain this? I thought about hip obliquity presentation and asked Mr. M. to stand. The right hip not only looked superior but visibly larger. Lying supine on the table, the right leg was signifi cantly longer, and neural symptoms typically occur on the long-leg side. "Has anyone mentioned the possibility that you have an anatomically short left leg?" I asked. "My wife is a physical therapist and she wondered about that," Mr. M. replied. What I could not shake from my thoughts was the image of his hip seeming physically larger. Looking very closely, one side of his face also seemed smaller than the other. "I have a goofy question. Is your left foot the same size as your right foot?" I asked hesitantly. "The right is almost a size bigger," he said. "How did you know that?" "You may have an exceedingly rare presentation called a hemipelvis," I said. "Not only is your leg shorter on the left, but the whole left side of your body is smaller than the right." Mr. M. was a bit stunned, but the hemipelvis idea explained a lot for him. We decided to meet again a week later, and his wife accompanied him. Before climbing on my table, he happened to say, "The hemipelvis thing is bizarre. I don't think my pants fi t the same way they did even a week ago. The nerve pain I am feeling now seems to have gone from hypersensitive to a dead-like feeling." These two sentences struck me broadside. That made no sense—a hemipelvis is not progressive. Neural sensations don't go from hypersensitivity to hyposensitivity in a week. Something This was perplexing. Pain to the front of the thigh and the medial knee is not typical for an L5 distribution. What would explain this? ACE Massage Cupping™ & MediCupping™ 828-232-1622 NCBTMB #312464 Professional Equipment Online Training Classes Worldwide Offering: Simple Procedure. Incredible Results! This wonderful ancient tool has found its place in the contemporary world of health care. Vacuum man- ual therapy is an essen al and safe component of so ssue rehab. Transform your prac ce today!

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