Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2012

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ENERGIZE YOUR TOUCH Discover Zero Balancing® Deep • Holistic • Supportive For courses, certification & community: NCBTMB & NCCAOM APPROVED PROVIDER like to problem-solve? Your client presents with a typical groin pain made worse with walking. After doing three quick tests, you realize this isn't a groin issue at all. In fact, it isn't even a muscular issue. This client's doctor was clearly impressed with your referral. Nice call. how did you make the decision? stop guessing, start assessing Through precise assessment, measurement, and reasoning skills, your treatments will become more efficient and effective. discover Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT) We don't just teach you how, we teach you why. find out more at 866.325.7668 40 massage & bodywork september/october 2012 Photo: Michael Williams,

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