Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2011

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reader forum WHAT YOU ARE SAYING The Tipping Point Thank you for including the article "The Tipping Point" in your September/October 2011 issue [Business Side, page 20]. It brought up some good points, including the fact that even an automatic gratuity in any service establishment is negotiable if a guest is unhappy (or extra happy!) with the service provided. Although I agree that a dirty environment or a service of poor quality should be subject to scrutiny that may infl uence the amount of gratuity left for a service provider of any sort, I have to disagree with the assertion that it's appropriate to leave a light tip if you're "on the road traveling and the fee for a (service) is already substantially higher than what (you're) used to paying at home." The cost of living, rent, utilities, maintaining a massage license, and obtaining other required business licenses can vary tremendously based on location, and these expenses are usually fi gured into the prices of services. If you prefer to pay the prices that you're used to paying, by all means, stay within your comfort zone, and if you prefer to explore what other regions have to offer, please keep our regional differences in mind when it comes time to settle the bill. ANDREA LIPOMI LAS VEGAS, NEVADA september/october 2011 FROM FACEBOOK Addressing Fibromyalgia's Mysteries • Intake Procedures • Session Strategies • Step-by-Step Protocol Bull RIdIng & BodywoRk Energy and the Integrative Vision on whIPlASh: douglas nelson diana Thompson Fine-Tune Table height Bull Riding & Bodywork I feel compelled to give feedback after receiving my latest issue of Massage & Bodywork [September/October 2011]. I hold this magazine in such high regard, however I was saddened and shocked, really, that there was an article on bull riding in it ["Bull Riding & Bodywork," page 54]. While I am defi nitely a proponent of giving nurturing care to any person or animal who needs it, and of course the animals that are used for any sport (including race horses, who also withstand abuse that we do not see) could certainly use therapeutic care, these animals have no choice in what their human owners make them do, and would not have injuries if not forced to compete or perform. Please reconsider before offering another article of this type in the future. Thank you so much for your time, as well as for the numerous articles I have enjoyed so much over the years. NITA KEESLER LEVITTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA Please email your letters to Include your full name and the city and state in which you reside. Massage & Bodywork reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. MATT GRIEWAHN. The more we can inform our clients the better. The more we can inform our potential clients the better. And the more we can inform somebody else's potential clients, the better for all of us. MATT GRIEWAHN. Is there any way you could make the articles from Massage & Bodywork easier to share online, especially for Facebook? I would really like to be able to virtually pass along the "Bull Riding & Bodywork" story. A lot of us use Facebook to advertise, and to get the word out to our clients. And we all know that having our clients put the word out to their friends is the best advertising there is for any of us. I would think that an article like the bull riding one would at least help point a few more people to massage. Or at least help dispel the idea that massage is for sissies. Cowboy up!! ASSOCIATED BODYWORK & MASSAGE PROFESSIONALS (ABMP). Matt, I'm thrilled you like the bull riding feature! And you're going to inspire others to cowboy up! If you add the page number of the article to the end of the URL it'll link directly to that page (e.g., http://massagebodywork. MATT GRIEWAHN. Well, I'm just an ol' farm boy who grew up on a horse farm. I've never been crazy enough to climb on top of a bull, but I know a few people who have. ANR MASSAGE. The bull riding article is very original. I like that you thought of this! tune in to your practice at ABMPtv 13

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