Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2008

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happenings SEE YOU THERE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ESTHETICS AND SPA SEPTEMBER 20–22 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 800-471-0229 WWW.LNEONLINE.COM This year's conference will feature the first-ever Natural and Organic Pavilion, dedicated to the natural and organic skin care and spa sector. SPA & RESORT/MEDICAL SPA AESTHETICS CONFERENCE & EXPO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ANIMAL MASSAGE & BODYWORK EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 4–6 TOLEDO, OHIO 800-903-9350 WWW.IAAMB.ORG This fifth annual conference features a forum for animal massage and bodywork professionals to network and support each other. Topics include animal communication, canine CPR, PetMassage Water Work, and range of motion and stretching. HEALING TOUCH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 4–7 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 303-989-7982 WWW.HEALINGTOUCHINTERNATIONAL. ORG The theme for the 2008 conference, "Validating the Heart's Work," emphasizes the roles of science, compassion, and unconditional love in the lives of practitioners. Twenty- four experiential workshops. SEPTEMBER 20–22 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 877-271-6789 WWW.SPARESORTEXPO.COM "Stay current. Stay informed. Stay profitable." This spa business event offers advice on products, services, tools, and educational conferences. RESTORATIVE MEDICINE CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 29–OCTOBER 3 STOWE, VERMONT 800-420-5801 WWW.RESTORATIVEMEDICINE.COM This conference examines the use of natural substances to recalibrate the body's innate control mechanisms and looks at the foundations of medical herbalism. INTERNATIONAL ESTHETICS, COSMETICS & SPA CONFERENCE OCTOBER 4–6 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 800-498-6984 WWW.IECSC.COM This conference offers professional spa and medical spa products for spa owners and staff looking to enhance their business and professional services. BUILDING BRIDGES OF INTEGRATION FOR TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE OCTOBER 30–NOVEMBER 2 CHANTILLY, VIRGINIA 888-826-6909 WWW.TCMCONFERENCE.ORG "Transformation: Nurturing the Healers, Healing the Patients." Healthcare professionals from a broad range of disciplines gather to explore the spirit behind authentic traditional Chinese medicine. INTERNATIONAL SPA ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 10–13 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 888-651-4772 WWW.EXPERIENCEISPA.COM An estimated 3,000 attendees and 300 exhibitors represent spa professionals (CEOs, presidents, owners, and/or directors of spas) and their business needs. INTERNATIONAL SOUND HEALING CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 14–18 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 505-474-0998 WWW.BIZSPIRIT.COM/SOUNDHEALING/ SO_INDEX.HTML Join the leading-edge researchers, practitioners, scientists, composers, musicians, and recording artists in fields of sound healing, vibrational medicine, music therapy, and body/ mind/brain/spirit research. WORLD MASSAGE CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 17–22 WWW.MASSAGEANDBODYWORK.COM This first-of-its-kind virtual conference will be conducted entirely over the Internet and will feature presentations by more than 50 of the world's massage experts.—for you and your clients 21

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