Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2008

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Page 14 of 163 NOW CLICK ON! Massage & Bodywork's New Digital Magazine Beginning with this September/October 2008 issue, Massage & Bodywork is an online interactive fi le, able to be viewed on The benefi ts include: links to advertisers' websites and e-mail addresses, the ability to e-mail articles to colleagues, an archive of subsequent issues, and streaming video. Massage & Bodywork subscribers and Associated Bodywork & Massage Professional members will receive a bimonthly e-mail the same time they are due to receive their print publication in the mail. Inside the e-mail, there will be a link to the digital edition. Go green. With the digital edition, you may choose to opt out of your print version. To do so, send an e-mail to indicating your digital-only preference. Save paper, delivery, mailing, and reduce your carbon footprint. Let us know what you like (or dislike) about the digital edition. And, as always, your comments and concerns are welcome at IT'S CRUCIAL TO KEEP YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ON FILE UP-TO-DATE. CONTACT EXPECTMORE@ABMP.COM OR CALL 800-458-2267 TO UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION. ABMP MEMBERS CAN LOG IN TO THE MEMBERS SECTION OF ABMP.COM TO UPDATE THEIR CONTACT INFORMATION. september/october 2008 THROUGH EDUCATION Continued Growth E-LEARNING'S POTENTIAL Surviving These Economic Times HOMELESS CLIENTS TOUCH FOR SourcePoint Therapy's Energetic Blueprint ... a first-of-its- kind virtual conference to be conducted entirely over the Internet. Registration is open for the World Massage Conference (www.massageandbodywork. com), a fi rst-of-its-kind virtual conference to be conducted entirely over the Internet, from November 17–22. The conference will feature online audio presentations by more than 50 of the world's prominent massage experts. Audience members will be able to participate and interact with presenters. The presentations will also be archived for those who cannot attend the conference in real time. Each day will cover one general topic, such as business, research, and technology. There are two types of registration, basic access for $59 and full access for $199. The conference is organized by the creators of Massage Therapy Radio (www., which broadcasts interviews with top professionals in the massage industry and provides a variety of resources for massage professionals.—for you and your clients 13

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