Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2008

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contributors IN THIS ISSUE Rebecca is a longtime Denver newspaper reporter Rebecca Jones who recently embarked on a career as a freelance writer and peace-and-justice activist. She has a Master of Divinity degree and will be ordained a deacon in the Episcopal Church in November. She especially loves writing about people who are doing something to make the world a better place. Whitney Lowe Whitney is a key author, educator, and consultant Consider the long- term impact of quality somatic education. page 58 in the massage therapy profession. He offers continuing education seminars, online courses, and program development to schools. Tom is a work-as-play-aholic. He is dedicated to the success of the human experiment, even though it looks Thomas Myers dismal right now. A return to natural physicality within the electronic world is the 21st century's greatest challenge, a goal Tom pursues through Kinesis. Tom lives, writes, and sails on the coast of Maine. Barbara Newell Barbara is a budding social entrepreneur, juggling self- employment in both massage/energy therapies and freelance research/writing, while developing a project to illuminate healings and beliefs. She has two awesome sons, thrives on the Tao of Argentine Tango dancing, the Great Lakes, being outdoors, and adventures. Donna lives in a completely off-the-grid house near Santa Fe, New Mexico, that she and her husband, Bob Schrei, built Donna Thomson together. The rest of her life is equally off the grid. Bob is also her partner in healing work and together they have explored consciousness, energy, and healing for more than 30 years. She is the author of The Vibrant Life: Simple Meditations to Use Your Energy Effectively. 10 massage & bodywork september/october 2008

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