Massage & Bodywork

May/June 2012

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INSPIRATION & INSIGHT ABMP Assistant Editor | 37% By Jed Heneberry OF MASSAGE THERAPISTS AND BODYWORKERS HAVE A SECOND OCCUPATION 2011 ASSOCIATED BODYWORK & MASSAGE PROFESSIONALS MEMBER SURVEY Hours Per Week Spent on Second Job 0–10 hours: 35% 11–20 hours: 20% 21–30 hours: 15% 31–40 hours: 23% 40+ hours: 5% What types of second jobs do massage therapists and bodyworkers hold? OFFICE 22% OTHER 13% EDUCATION 12% HEALTH CARE 27% SPORTS/EXERCISE 8% FOOD/RESTAURANTS 5% SPA/ESTHETICS 4% ART/WRITING/ENTERTAINMENT 4% SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY 2% GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC SERVICE 3% INTERESTING SECOND JOBS Karaoke DJ Marine Biology Researcher Orchestra Violinist Police Officer Steelworker University Professor Celebrate ABMP's 25th anniversary and you may win a refund on your membership. 127

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