Massage & Bodywork

March | April 2014

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112 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 1 4 ENERGY WORK pyramid's effects, observations included increased crop productivity; strengthened immune systems, decreased inflammation, and slowed aging; and the ability to spontaneously charge a capacitor and keep water from freezing, even at -40 degrees Celsius. One unanticipated result was that salt and pepper placed in the pyramid, which was then served to prisoners, seemingly diminished violent crime. 10 Recently, physicists have wondered if energies such as shapes are more basic than that of particles and fields, the status quo base units of physics. As explored in an article by Meinard Kuhlmann in Scientific American, physicists are now postulating that bundles of properties, such as color and shape, actually instruct particles and fields, not the other way around. In fact, it is the qualities conveyed that tell particles and fields what to be and when to become. 11 PUT TO PRACTICE As a practitioner, how can you make use of the power of geometry to help yourself and your clients? I will stick to the basic shapes taught to me by two Siberian shamans a few years ago. These two individuals began their careers as medical doctors. After studying with—and finally becoming—shamans, they devoted themselves to traveling the world and instructing others about the instrumental use of shapes in creating healing. The core shapes and a few of their effects are as follows: Cross (or X): The cross represents the threshold of crossroads, the power of choice, and the ability to open to other worlds. I have seen misshapen Xs, such as those with uneven legs, cancel out a positive energy and invite negative outcomes or interference. Circle: A whole circle signifies universality, a new beginning, and healthy relationships. A broken or misshapen circle will cause or indicate an unhealthy bond, miscommunication, or chaos. Other forms of circles include the spiral. A clockwise spiral brings energy into that which it is connected to; a counterclockwise spiral releases energy from what it is connected to. Square: Squares in any form, including rectangles, represent safety, security, and strength. Misshapen or broken squares cause or reflect insecurity, danger, vulnerability, or powerlessness. Triangle: As the basic shape of the pyramid, triangles are creative and enable change. Distorted or broken triangular shapes can create or indicate the inability to heal or manifest. IMPLEMENTATION IDEAS How can you work with shapes in your practice— or life? Here are a few ideas that I use in my own healing practice. Cross for reflection. I put forms of the cross in my office to invite intuitive flow and insight. After conducting a healing, I sometimes make the sign of a cross or "t" on the area just worked on to seal the changes. I also intuitively check for misshapen Xs on a client's field or in their energy centers and use these as jumping-off places to figure out where and why their energy is stuck. The types of questions I might ask are: Perhaps a family member is draining their energy? Maybe they are scared of moving forward? Is their painful condition, for some reason, providing an unconscious benefit? Circles for connection. Putting circular shapes or patterns in the room, which can be accomplished through the use of correctly shaped vases, mirrors, picture frames, and even carpets, enables connection between you and the client and could create "eureka" moments in the client You can also imagine a square energy around your energetic field to provide protection for you.

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