Massage & Bodywork

January | February 2014

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NEWS NOTES Helping Hands Awards Grants to Four Massage Students Biofreeze and Biotone announced the winners of their 2013 Helping Hands Gifts for Growth grant program. The collaborative program was launched in May 2013 to support massage therapy students in their educational pursuits. More than 480 students applied. The winners are Teresa Alger, Central Maryland School of Massage, Frederick, Maryland; Chadwick Handville, Cortiva Institute, Scottsdale, Arizona; Christine Patacsil, Institute for Massage Education/Kalamazoo Center for the Healing Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Mary Rone, National Holistic Institute, San Francisco, California. Each winner received a $1,000 grant. In addition, each winner's school received a $1,000 grant package. "Both of our companies have been involved in supporting continuing education and will continue to be," said Marshall Dahneke, CEO of Performance Health, the makers of Biofreeze. "This was an expansion of our individual efforts and provided an opportunity for two industry leaders to work together to contribute to our profession's strength, vitality, and future. Hopefully by doing this, we've been an example to others who can also contribute to the educational support of the massage therapy profession. When more organizations get involved, we can collectively start to make a bigger difference." For more information about the grant program, visit, or watch the video announcement at 18 massage & bodywork january/february 2014

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