Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2013

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SPEAK YOUR MIND Kids say the darndest things: massage edition. "Do that thing that makes me go 'aaahhhhh.'" —How my son asked for a massage when he was young. Colleen Fletcher Boise, Idaho "My dad is a massagist!" ALEX FRIGINO When my son was 6 or 7, I decided he was finally at a place where he could tolerate being still long enough to enjoy an hour massage. He was very excited and gladly climbed onto my massage table where I began by working on his back. Being a chatterbox, he was talking away for the first 10 minutes or so and then got very quiet. I kept working and after a few moments of silence he said, "Oh yeah. I'm going to have to do this more often." DEIRDRE KARGER Upcoming Topics What is your favorite muscle? Why? Deadline: December 15 Publication Date: March/April 2014 What conditions have you seen most this year in your clients? Deadline: February 15 Publication Date: May/June 2014 Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. See what benefits await you. 15

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