Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2013

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© create a buzz: crowdsourcing rowdsourcing Your Practice's Branding The Power of Many By Michelle Lewis Branding and imagery are important to every business, but when it comes to massage therapy practices, they're crucial. The massage therapist wants to convey the type of service clients will receive—whether relaxation, rehabilitation, or something in between—through branding. Up until a few years ago, a massage therapy practice had to hire a graphic designer or an agency to develop a unique design. But, more recently, practices have CROWDSOURCING increasingly turned to online crowdsourcing is the practice of soliciting solutions platforms for their design solutions. for a problem through an open call to the public. Often, the person who Wikipedia and TripAdvisor are two of the provides the solution is rewarded with best-known crowdsourcing models. Wikipedia invites the public to edit and update encyclopedia a prize, money, or recognition. entries, while TripAdvisor collects feedback about hotels and other locations that users have visited. The crowdsourcing model is regularly used for a variety of other business solutions as well. For example, in celebration of Heineken's 140th birthday in February 2013, the Dutch brewing company held a contest for a crowdsourced bottle design. 66 massage & bodywork november/december 2013

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