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L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 13 SPEAK YOUR MIND How Do You Close Your Massage or Bodywork Sessions? FROM INSTAGRAM I take a nice closing breath, and once they're off the table and leaving, we discuss homework and when they should come back. @BODYMAINTENANCEMT For most of my clients, I end with them supine and after the fi nal scalp/ear/face massage, I treat them to a warm, damp towel on the face and a crystal singing bowl sound bath. When that yumminess is at an end, I tell them gently to get up slowly when they are ready, and I meet them in the sitting area. We then briefl y discuss the session, rebook, and I give homework if warranted. @WUNDERL ANDWELLNESS I slowly pull off their weighted eye mask and welcome them back. They normally cry out "Nooooo . . ." or "I don't want to!" @ATOUCHABOVETHEREST Depending on if I start supine or prone, I end a session with gentle rocking and a hot pack or towel. I ask, "How's everything feeling?" I usually get a cry "Nooo . . ." or they tell me they need me to start the session over. Either way, I make sure to explain a summary of the treatment and techniques that were applied, and I place my hand on the areas I focused on so they understand the mind and body connections. I also ask them to take a few deep breaths before they get up to make sure they are present and are able to dress again, and then schedule their next session, because we all know when we get that good bodywork, it's hard to function when we have to re-dress. @EMPIREMASSAGETHERAPY I invite my clients to stay on the table for a couple minutes to take some deep breaths and really notice how their body feels, head to toe. After they're up and dressed, we have time to chat. New clients usually have some questions about their tension patterns. I might suggest some self-care, and then we'll schedule their next appointment. I think it's really important to be able to take our time after the session, because massage is so much more than what happens on the table. Finally, I have some chocolate or coffee candies for them to enjoy on their way out. @SAGEBODYWORKSEAT TLE I close my sessions with head work. @HOUSEOFPEACE_MT I do detailed neck work and then end with a cranial hold. Sometimes standing or seated Rolfi ng work to integrate. Then, awareness or stretching homework, if needed. @NCASHIATSU No matter what custom session they receive, I end by saying, "Thank you for letting me work on you today." (I never want to lose sight of the honor that comes from a client choosing my table.) @JENNIFERHAGNER FROM FACEBOOK I always end holding the feet . . . intending that they are grounded before they shift to an upright position. Then, when they are up and have fi xed their hair, I schedule or confi rm their next session. ALDENE ET TER Over the sheet/blanket, I run my hands down the outside of their calves a few times and then hold their feet for a few seconds. I say, "Your session is over," and I step out of the room. LISA WEBER I cover their ears for a few seconds with my palms, creating a last touch of stillness and peace. I wish them good health, wealth, and good vibes. Then, I let go and ask them how they feel. K AHLINA NONG I use a warm, wet towel and lay it softly on the back of a client and on their feet to remove dead skin cells and to help continue hydrating muscles. Music is on and always helps rejuvenate the body. ALMA IBARRA

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