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L i s te n to T h e A B M P Po d c a s t a t a b m m /p o d c a s t s o r w h e reve r yo u a cce s s yo u r favo r i te p o d c a s t s 15 SPEAK YOUR MIND You know you're a massage therapist or bodyworker when . . . FROM FACEBOOK You cringe anytime you read or hear "massage parlor" in reference to therapists in general. SHANNON BOOTH You have to be OK with total strangers cutting the cheese in close contact with you. SERGIO FANDÓS You analyze someone's posture and gait at the grocery store. HOLLY HUNT You have to do laundry after you do laundry. FRANCHESCA LOVATO Every hug becomes a bit of an upper back palpation assessment. SABRINA MERRIT T You're not really watching the sporting event, just fascinated by the body mechanics. K ARA CAL ABRO You use shiatsu to pick up a broken fence. JESSICA HEFFERNAN L APUT You have to line-item expense nail fi les on your taxes. BERNADINE TALMADGE You wash up to the elbows in a public restroom. K ANDY KIGER People apologize to you for falling asleep or not shaving. LUK A SKYE You watch a guy walking down the street and he catches you and winks, and you think, "Nah, don't fl atter yourself. I was checking out your jacked-up stride." MELINDA WOODARD You only eat "gassy" foods on your days off! AMY LEIGH Your friends fi ght over who gets to sit in front of you on the bleachers! G MASSAGE You do a full-body massage on your kid when applying sunscreen. DONNA POLITO JENKINS Your forearms are as big as your biceps. KRIST Y BROWN MEADE You can't just apply something, you have to rub it in too. I'm an esthetician too and struggle with this. KELLY K. MUELLER FROM INSTAGRAM You watch gait patterns and think, "Damn, they must be in pain!" @CINDYEHRHARDT You notice microscopic growth of your fi ngernails. @DAVESHAHAN You hear, "I didn't even know that was hurting until you touched it." @DANA.M.BRANDT.TINKER You've mastered the 30-second snack break! @MASSAGEBYAM You have enough laundry detergent on hand for the entire block. @INDYMASSAGES You have some sort of new age/spa music playing in your head whenever you're not working. @BEINTEGRATEDBODYWORK You can't attend a family function without giving an impromptu "chair" massage. @JENNIFERHAGNER You have nail clippers in every purse, backpack, and multiple cubbies in your car. @ALLISSAHAINES You're holding your wife's hand and your thumb goes into petrissage mode. @SHIRE_MASSAGE You are always excited to go to work because you know deep inside that this is your life's calling. @BONNERUST

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