Massage & Bodywork


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10 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k j a n u a r y/ fe b r u a r y 2 0 2 1 Machelle Varma is a curious person who loves to question. She's a passionate mover, a natural advocate, and a believer in the body's ability to heal. Varma's diverse background as a Pilates instructor, birth doula, and massage therapist compels her to support, empower, and learn from others. Her passions include dance, exercise, the arts, and community. David M. Lobenstine is more grateful than ever, amid the pain of social distancing, for this community of massage therapists. He says, "Let's take care of ourselves, and each other, so that we can take even better care of our clients when the time comes." Lola Michelin founded the Northwest School of Animal Massage in 2001. She has practiced animal massage for over 30 years and massage for people for 17 of those years. A graduate of the animal science program at Michigan State University, she has work experience in both the veterinarian and zoological fields. Amanda Long practices massage (and patience with herself) in Falls Church, Virginia. On hiatus because of the pandemic, she's returned to her first vocation and avocation: writing. Allison Denney balances the juggling act of motherhood, business owner, and YouTuber with a carefully crafted diet of podcasts and coffee. Her obsession with anatomy began in massage school. She believes our best teachers are the mistakes we make and the best path is the one with roots and bumps. With his passion for dancing between wind and water, Thomas Myers compares a sailboat's rigging with the tensile structures that balance the human body. He lives, writes, teaches, and when he can, sails the coast of Maine. CONTRIBUTORS 46 56 64 76 80 68

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