Massage & Bodywork


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ON THE WEB C h e c k o u t A B M P P o c k e t P a t h o l o g y a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / a b m p - p o c k e t - p a t h o l o g y - a p p . 13 BLOG POSTS THE ABMP PODCAST CONTINUING EDUCATION A MASSAGE THERAPIST'S GUIDE TO COVID-19 COVID-19 presents unprecedented challenges to the massage therapy profession. In this live webinar, pathology expert Ruth Werner focuses on what we currently understand about COVID-19, including the pathophysiology, communicability, and the many complications of this infection. She discusses how to make safe, effective, evidence-informed decisions, shares screening suggestions for safety, and fields questions from the audience of the live event. This video recording of the live presentation from August 14, 2020, is available for everyone in the massage profession to view. EPISODE 29—ASK ABMP: YOUR QUESTIONS ON TOPICS FROM COVID-19 TO BODY MECHANICS TO INTAKE FORMS Experts in the massage and bodywork field answer your most pressing questions, from COVID-19 protocols and precautions to body mechanics, intake forms, and more. EPISODE 32—LIPEDEMA—"I HAVE A CLIENT WHO . . ." PATHOLOGY CONVERSATIONS WITH RUTH WERNER In this episode, a client has lipedema: a painful condition with enlarged fat cells that won't ever shrink or go away by themselves—and it's probably going to get worse. It turns out that massage therapy could be helpful, with the right kind of education and background. ANIMAL MASSAGE DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC One segment of the massage therapy field was uniquely impacted by the global pandemic, and may have even gotten an unforeseen boost from our altered reality. That segment is the lesser known but ever- growing market for animal massage. DILIGENCE (STILL) REQUIRED: REOPENING DOESN'T MEAN LOWER RISKS ABMP connected with epidemiologist Tessa Crume, PhD, to get her expert advice on this question: As schools and businesses reopen, what would you tell people about letting down their guard relative to COVID-19? RISKY BUSINESS: FROM DAILY PRACTICE TO COVID-19 These days, MTs are thinking a lot about risk—the risks of working or not, and, of course, the range of risks within client presentations. As MTs, we never want to come from a place of fear, but a little healthy concern can help when it comes to risk consideration.

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