Massage & Bodywork

May/June 2013

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education classroom to client | Pathology perspectives | body awareness | functional anatomy | somatic research Coracobrachialis By Christy Cael The coracobrachialis is a long, thin muscle that lies deep on the medial arm between the biceps and triceps brachii. It originates on the coracoid process, along with the pectoralis minor and the short head of the biceps brachii. Coracobrachialis Its parallel muscle fibers run deep to the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid, extending about halfway down the humerus before inserting on the medial shaft. This landmark mirrors the insertion of the deltoid, located on the lateral shaft of the humerus at the deltoid tuberosity. The coracobrachialis works strongly with the anterior deltoid, upper fibers of the pectoralis major, and biceps brachii to flex the shoulder. Shoulder flexion occurs during daily activities like lifting, pushing, and reaching. This motion is opposed or controlled by the posterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower fibers of the pectoralis major. The coracobrachialis, latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, and long head of the triceps brachii all work together to adduct the shoulder. Movements that involve pulling down and in toward the body, weight-bearing activities on the arms, and activities such as climbing, gymnastics rings, parallel bars, and pull-ups involve powerful shoulder adduction. The coracobrachialis is also utilized when bringing the arm in and across the body as with a golf swing or a pitching motion in fast-pitch softball. Coracobrachialis Attachments • rigin: Coracoid process of the scapula O • nsertion: Medial shaft, middle I third of the humerus Actions • lexes and adducts the shoulder F Innervation • Musculocutaneous nerve • C5–7 See what benefits await you. 53

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