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THE REBEL MT technique 90 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k n o v e m b e r / d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 With age comes wisdom, or so they say. But it seems the more appropriate expression might be: With age comes self-awareness. And with self-awareness comes the ability to know what you like and don't like, what you can and can't handle, and what you love and what you hate. Wisdom and self-awareness are entangled together. But, after so many years on this earth—and with all that self-awareness—what you do with that information is a different story. Let's say, for example, you hate running. You know this about yourself. You have tried (so many times) to get excited about a pair of running shoes, find a cool trail, create the best playlist, and set off to burn some calories. Every attempt at "becoming a runner" fizzled after a couple of months. Or weeks. Or maybe just one jaunt did it. You have so much respect for the sport. You want to like it. But you just don't. So you're not a runner. You know what? Good for you for knowing who you are. Running hurts. You like to go for walks instead. Congratulations! You have self-awareness. Maybe along the way, you have also created a list of foods you won't eat, pets you will never own, types of music that make you angry, and celebrities you would never date. All self-awareness, but is any of this wise? And more specifically, how does any of this relate to bodywork? DOING WHAT IS WISE VS. WHAT FEELS GOOD Wisdom, it seems, is also attached to morality, which is a whole sticky subject in itself. To be wise is to make "good" decisions. But what feels good and what is good are not always easily discerned. It is, nonetheless, this relationship between self-awareness and wisdom—that Choosing Wisdom Making Wise Choices to Increase Your Business Success—and Your Self-Esteem By Allison Denney

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