Massage & Bodywork

March/April 2013

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ABMP Member Profile By Jed Heneberry Kim Kim Fellini has been providing chair massage at the Babies R Us store in New York City's Union Square since October 2012. "Moms need to take time to nurture themselves." –Kim Fellini Fellini, who practices acupressure and massage, formed her company Chair Massage 4 Moms ( to bring moms relief from the aches and pains of pregnancy. "Moms don't always take the time to treat themselves, so I wanted to offer the convenience and nurturing to make it as easy for them as possible." It was her own experience during pregnancy that inspired Fellini to create her chair massage concept. "I had low-back pain and my shoulders ached," she recalls, "but the thought of going to a spa, undressing, and hopping up on a massage table was not enticing—it just sounded uncomfortable because of my belly." After graduating from her massage program in 2009, she put her plan into action. "Chair massage just seems to make sense," she says. "Just bend your knees and ease into the massage chair." Fellini's decade of experience with acupressure informs her to avoid certain pressure points in the ankles, feet, neck, and shoulders during pregnancy. She suggests taking a class on prenatal massage before working with pregnant clients. In addition, Fellini has developed a protocol (at right) for safely accommodating a pregnant client in your massage chair. Sometimes, though, the bigger problem is getting clients out of the chair after the massage. "You can just see it in their faces," Fellini says. "They're so relaxed, they don't want to get up right away." Safe Seating in a Massage Chair 1. Adjust the chest cushion to accommodate the belly. 2. dd a pillow A underneath the belly to reduce strain on oblique muscles. 3. dd a pillow A underneath the chest if needed because of increased tenderness. 4. f the client's belly is I larger, turn the client around for seating facing away from the chair and add a pillow to support the low back. Watch a demonstration of Fellini's protocol at watch?v=F8Q7To20fys. According to the American Pregnancy Association, massage during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Kim Fellini (at left and above) found a career niche based on her own experiences during pregnancy. Different Strokes: the voice of ABMP

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