Massage & Bodywork


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ON THE WEB BLOG POSTS M&B ONLINE MASSAGETHERAPY.COM SIX NEW WEBINARS IN THE ABMP EDUCATION CENTER October 2018 was Education Month at ABMP, and we added six new webinars to the ABMP Education Center, including "Shin Splints: From Symptoms to Self- Care" with Eric Stephenson and "Working with Infl ammation" with Til Luchau. Check out what's new! ABMP members have access to all of our webinars on demand anytime, so you can learn and earn free CE at your convenience. CAN MTs WRITE OFF GIFT CERTIFICATES AS A CHARITABLE DONATION? Massage therapists often have questions about what they can and can't write off when it comes to charitable donations. In this video blog, Allissa Haines of Massage Business Blueprint and Kelly Bowers—a massage therapist, writer, and speaker—discuss the options available to MTs. STRATEGIC PRICING FOR MASSAGE THERAPISTS On the surface, pricing a service seems like a simple, straightforward thing. Most arrive at a number based on what they feel a "market rate" is, and then adjust a bit based on how qualifi ed they feel they are compared to the average therapist. Is that all there is to it? Or is there a better way that would result in your practice generating more income? Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals was proud to be a supporting organization for the Fifth International Fascia Research Congress held November 14–15 in Berlin, Germany, where we got our fi rst peek at the Fascial Net Plastination Project exhibit, an ambitious volunteer project detailed in the September/October 2018 issue of Massage & Bodywork. Also at the Berlin Congress was Massage & Bodywork columnist Til Luchau, who writes in this issue about all the "aha" moments he had while in the company of researchers, educators, movement therapists, and clinicians from around the world. See more about his experience in this issue's digital extra, starting on page 115. Be sure to share with your clients to educate them about the benefi ts of a healthy lifestyle that includes bodywork! CONTINUING EDUCATION 18 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j a n u a r y / f e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9

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